Light Attack and Advanced Training

May 21, 2024
Spain’s on-again, off-again efforts to pick a replacement platform for the F-5 lead-in trainer aircraft are again underway.
May 17, 2024
A U.S. Air Force instructor pilot has died after the ejection seat of a T-6 trainer aircraft activated during ground operations.
May 16, 2024
The company is exploring how its Medulla research project could boost the computing power of the mission systems of the Hawk.
May 09, 2024
U.S. Special Operations Command is working to identify new requirements for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance as it prioritizes the OA-1K aircraft.
Apr 30, 2024
Swiss electric propulsion developer H55 has announced the commercialization and opening of the orderbook for the Bristell B23 Energic.
Apr 27, 2024
Leonardo diverted the latest new-build TH-73A Thrasher training helicopter for the U.S. Navy for display at the Army Aviation Association of America summit.
Apr 22, 2024
Turkey’s indigenous aircraft developments have been bolstered by contracts from the country’s military and government agencies.
Apr 22, 2024
The service has been relying on the X-62 Variable In-flight Simulator Test Aircraft (VISTA).